The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
Just bought me some Rome Boss 390s and Ride Jackson boots for a total of $400 CAD! Not bad for my first pair of each :D
stoked! Last night was off the hook!!! Fun times dancing and being a drunk idiot.
Stoked I now have coffee to wake me up this morning.
STOKED I waited to see Art of Flight in the cinemas! Was so awesome to see it on the big screen. Unreal film. And Travis Rice is a snowboarding god walking amongst men!!!!
Ok I’m totally jealous of all you people watching Art of Flight… I think I’m going to have to have a private viewing at home tonight.
It’s one of those films you really need to see on the big screen. Imagine it in IMAX or 3D!!!
It’s one of those films you really need to see on the big screen. Imagine it in IMAX or 3D!!!
Yea but my wallet says my Japan trip is more important lol.
Just thinking about the Powder is making me froth!
STOKED I waited to see Art of Flight in the cinemas! Was so awesome to see it on the big screen. Unreal film. And Travis Rice is a snowboarding god walking amongst men!!!!
So good, isn’t it! TJ spend the $18 on it and go see it. I nearly went and saw it again the next night. haha
Then I just need someone to come with me, I totally can’t go see it alone… and none of my friends would pay to see a snowboarding movie…
I’d go by myself for sure! I actually enjoy seeing movies by myself…haven’t done it for a while but its kinda good!
STOKED after an awesome weekend! Ready for it to be friday again
I’d go by myself for sure! I actually enjoy seeing movies by myself…haven’t done it for a while but its kinda good!
Even people at work are telling me how awesome it is lol :(
I’ve been to the movies by myself before but currently I have no form of transport other than Public or Push Bike… hence my willingness to watch at home.
Though my Motorbike has 25 days left
Totally and Utterly Stoked to win a spot in the Trip Report Contest!!!!!!
Stoked to share the prize for best promo of BW comp!!!
Stoked after a weekend of camping. Can’t wait to head back up there in Summer.
OH, and stoked to have picked up a Techni Ice cooler for a steal.