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Do you listen to music when you’re shredding?


And if so, what?

I love a bit of Jurassic 5




never tried it, Im usually shredding with people and what not so don’t really feel the need to listen to music though I can see the appeal.


In aus I do! Not in japan/nz tho

AshStix - 14 October 2011 11:52 PM

never tried it, Im usually shredding with people and what not so don’t really feel the need to listen to music though I can see the appeal.

I am with AshStix on this one!!!


Yep me 2. I have some headphones for solo shredding but normally I am with friends so I don’t really need em.


no…I like hearing if people are coming up behind me. plus the only time ive tried it the music that came on made me right like a nutter and go way to fast..


Yeah, if I’m ridin solo I do, but with a group it is kinda rude and ya get to miss out on all of the abuse that gets slung between each other as well!!!!!

Hey, and welcome ta Boardworld Snake!!!!!!  shaka


I do when I’m by myself but if I got mates with me I dont.


I wear headphones around my neck so I can still hear it when I want to but can easily tune in or out and can still hear people coming. Most of the time other people aren’t subjected to my weird taste but sometimes going up a lift they might be…I usually just muffle it with my jacket though in that instance.

I wore buds in my ears a bit but as crackers said, I got way too psyched and rode like a nutbag. I really like the compromise I’ve come up with as you get the best of both worlds. I find riding with music helps me get my rhythm a bit and if I’m not riding so well, a good song can help me relax and get my rhythm


Like the most on here, only listen to it when im on my own


I only crank up the tunes when I ride with the Ullr boys - LOUD as possible - so I don’t have to listen to all their bullshit.




best song 2 shred to



I always ride with tunes.. just one earbud though. like to be able to hear edges and also have a convo on chairs, basically just background music to help get into a rhythm but once i’m in an area I don’t know in trees etc I always take it out.

music choice changes upon my mood but never anything heavy, used to ride mainly to a lot to dnb/dub sets as there was no concept of time etc but also really enjoy some upbeat stuff electro-ish type stuff to some good hip hop.. basically my snowboarding playlist is a good 90+track mix which covers a 6+ hours of completely random tunes I like.


yeah fatima! that song was the soundtrack for the trailer Forum F@#k it snowboard film & its now one of my fave songs to ride to, as well!