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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


How comfortable are you with each of the following:

Dropping into the ramp ur going to try on?

Doing kick turns at the height of the coping or on the coping(hitting it)?

Going to the top (to the coping) of the ramp/quarter and rolling fakie back down? Can u do this and go highe than the coping and lift ur front wheels but not push over the actual coping?

Personally I find axel stalls easier. Answer the above for me and I’ll try to steer u in the right way(what I may think anyway)


Yeah i can drop in pretty comfortably and not really any problems with my kickturns at height but i havent gone on the coping.

The last time i tried rock to fakie i slammed pretty hard cos i couldnt get the front truck back over the coping when going back down haha

Like when you first learned axle stalls did it make rock to fakies easier to learn? or vise versa?


I’d maybe try a few turns where a wheel just rolls over the coping a bit just to see how it feels.
Do you have a few different sized quaters/ramps to try axels on?

If you felt like you were catching coming back over after the rock you may not have gone up high enough and had all your weight in the actually ramp the whole time. Need a bit more speed to get you out of the quater a bit. You dont wanna get right over the top and be standing over the coping cos then its gonna be harder to come back in. but gotta get a happy medium if that makes sense?

Try like I said first of rolling up and lifting your front wheels at the top of your movement and putting them down again just as you start to roll back again. Try this and gradually get higher.
The first few times trying to put your trucks over the coping, you will prob do more of a tap to fakie (not actually rocking on the coping). This is good to just get used to putting them over and pulling them back again. As you feel more confident you will actually be able to do the rock and lift the back trucks of the tranny

I dont think axle stalls would make rock to fakies easier. Well not for me. If you could Switch rock to fakie (or would you call it fakie to rock?? :confused: ) Then you should be able to drop back in form an axel stall pretty easily, but thats the only whay I can see them comparing


had a roll around Cammeray Park this morning

just a cruise - not tricks

this is going to take some time

also need shoes .......


Cruising around is what ya need though after beeing of the board for so long. Just get the legs back…..and gotta tune in the gumpy style wink



taking it slow K2


Cammeray is a cool spot. Had some fun times filming the spot check there. 


yep heaps of little beginner ledges to grind & slide when i get to that stage

need more of a bowl atm

will hit up Avalon & Manly next time i’m down that way surfing

will put some pics up of Av Bowl too


Yeah theres a few different sizes of quaters smile Thanks K2 ill try it nxt time im at the park i appreciate it man!


Wow that is a sweet park. I had no idea that was in sydeny.
No progress for me today, raining :(


spewing devo

new deck is setup and raining :(


Went for a skate today. Love my new wheels. No new tricks just trying to get the ones i’ve done locked down.
Axle stalls are getting easier and I can (cheating on a tiny quarter with no coping) rock to fakie every time now which I’m stoked about.
Now I have to man up and learn how to rock to fakie properly.
I heart Skateboarding cheese


Also I’m slowly getting my girl hooked on it wink

Andy Aitken - 15 October 2011 08:44 AM

Went for a skate today. Love my new wheels. No new tricks just trying to get the ones i’ve done locked down.
Axle stalls are getting easier and I can (cheating on a tiny quarter with no coping) rock to fakie every time now which I’m stoked about.
Now I have to man up and learn how to rock to fakie properly.
I heart Skateboarding cheese

Thats awesome Andy! How did the wheels feel?

Good to hear your axlestalls are getting there. rock to fakies feel sick when you get them going.

Went back to that purple mini ramp again yesterday after work to try to have a proper skate. Ribs got pretty tender after dropping in over and over.
Was struggling to pump enough to keep up speed to get my body up enough to do axel stalls. And cos of my sore ribs i kept bailling, worried I was gonna fall and hurt them again. So mostly just was doing turns. Tried to get some footage. But gopro was playing funny buggers and not recording when I thought it was. Got one small clip on my phone which is average riding. Really wanna just heal up so I can push myself and have some tumbles progressing.
Also the middle of the ramp is rougher and definately slows you down. Need the new set up to keep my speed up with out pumpin my ass off!

So here is the clip. Just realised how much of a gumby my style (lack of) is at the moment cos Im so consious of injuring myself. haha arms out for balance. (trucks are pretty loose due to dead bushes too which doesnt help)

Ill try to get some better footage and riding on my day off Friday but this will do for now for anyone to pick on wink


Sweet man, that ramp looks really nice. I can barely tell your nursing broken ribs (except for your arm at the end).
If u need new bushes, I put doh dohs in my old trucks and it brought them back to life, but u probably already know about them.
I’ll try and get some footage of where I’m skating too.

Also yesterday when we were in sydney I stuck my head in Monster Skate Park…. oh my god. I want to skate there so badly.