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Global Warming and Snow Cover in Australia

ozgirl - 13 October 2011 07:20 AM
nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:24 AM

From a purely selfish perspective do many of you expect to be snowboarding in 50 years?  Will be pushing the envelope for me I reckon at 82 ha ha!

I am the same age as you and i will be skiing on that day i am entitled to a free lift pass even if it kills me!!! (literally!)

Ha ha do you get a free lift pass at 82 or something?  I reckon due to the nature of it I have a better chance of boarding at 82 than I do at surfing, we shall see, I hope i get that far!

chucky - 13 October 2011 07:50 AM
nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:53 AM

Maybe we could spend all the money raised by the carbon tax and throw it into time travel research. . .

Haha, funny! I read that bit first, and thought to myself, “It’d probably have the same chance of success” - then I read your next comment. . .

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:53 AM

Would probably have the same chance of success.

Great minds.  cool smile

Very much so, I also thought as someone who has been flogging this thread I ought to bring some of the fun back.

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 09:00 AM
ozgirl - 13 October 2011 07:20 AM
nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:24 AM

From a purely selfish perspective do many of you expect to be snowboarding in 50 years?  Will be pushing the envelope for me I reckon at 82 ha ha!

I am the same age as you and i will be skiing on that day i am entitled to a free lift pass even if it kills me!!! (literally!)

Ha ha do you get a free lift pass at 82 or something?  I reckon due to the nature of it I have a better chance of boarding at 82 than I do at surfing, we shall see, I hope i get that far!

Yeah I thought it was 70 or something but after posting above I went and checked and saw nothing on Perishers site :-(

But on second thoughts I will pay to see one of you boarders sitting in the snow strapping in at 82!


Here’s the Hotham deal for seniors:

65 years - 69 years
If you are 65 years or over you can ski for half price. This offer includes 50% off lift, lesson and hire prices.

70 years +
If you are 70 years or over you can ski for FREE. Over 70s are also eligible to receive FREE ski hire and 50% off snowsports lesson prices (applies to group and private lessons). Simply present your proof of age identity card at Hotham Central Tickets to redeem your pass & discounts.

ozgirl - 13 October 2011 10:13 AM

But on second thoughts I will pay to see one of you boarders sitting in the snow strapping in at 82!

Sounds like a Rider’s challenge!  See you back here in 40 years!

Mizu Kuma - 13 October 2011 03:52 AM
Mudhoney - 13 October 2011 03:50 AM
Mizu Kuma - 13 October 2011 03:43 AM

I’ll put ya mind at rest, Mud!!!!!!

There WILL be snow in the Aussie Alps for as long as we’re around!!!!!!  shaka

What about the kids!?!?!?!?  <—Mizu grammar virus is spreading

They’ll have hover boards by then!!!!!!

Dammit Mizu you think of everything!  No wonder they pay you the big money shaka


Mizu stole the idea from Speilberg’s documentary about time travel made in 1985 - “Back to the future II”

Problem is hoverboards don’t work on liquid water.

Invest the money into snowmaking or artificial snow or to encourage Aussie resorts to open runs at the end of the season that have snow cover.
The problem isn’t snow cover/climate change it is MONEY and GREED.

spaz - 13 October 2011 07:37 PM

Mizu stole the idea from Speilberg’s documentary about time travel made in 1985 - “Back to the future II”

Problem is hoverboards don’t work on liquid water.

Thanks for clarifying ...

spaz - 13 October 2011 07:37 PM

Invest the money into snowmaking or artificial snow or to encourage Aussie resorts to open runs at the end of the season that have snow cover.
The problem isn’t snow cover/climate change it is MONEY and GREED.

One report I read said it will be too warm to even make snow.  Better make the most of it while we can.


i reckon they will eventually be able to make snow that is still solid/frozen in positive temps

Caboose - 13 October 2011 10:41 PM

i reckon they will eventually be able to make snow that is still solid/frozen in positive temps

Interesting point!

I wonder how technology will keep up with the so called ever changing snowline.

Caboose - 13 October 2011 10:41 PM

i reckon they will eventually be able to make snow that is still solid/frozen in positive temps

I reckon summer snowboarding would be massively popular.  Imagine having yourself a country property with one of those wavepools that we were discussing in the surfing section a few months ago in front of the house and then all season snow on the big hill you have behind the house, farken sick! 

Have a wave then a run within 5 mins of eachother.


proof of global warming




LOL best evidence to date, tested over time LOL


God help us!!!!!!