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Global Warming and Snow Cover in Australia


i concur
it is better to spend money on research than squander

as by definition, to squander is to waste


My definition of squander may be another mans definition of investment and vice versa ad nauseam.

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 05:19 AM

My definition of squander may be another mans definition of investment and vice versa ad nauseam.

Good point. Given their lack of fiscal responsibility to date, it’s painfully evident the Labor/Green coalition rarely expect a positive return on their ‘investments’.

Mudhoney - 13 October 2011 04:45 AM
Caboose - 13 October 2011 04:13 AM
Mudhoney - 13 October 2011 02:35 AM
spaz - 13 October 2011 02:05 AM

I just want to remind everybody that this thread is meant to be about snow cover in Australia not “the politics behind a tax” or “who/what caused global warming”

well said, sir.


but what came first the chicken or the egg??

are you saying you can’t have climate change without politics?  I guess there is a lot of hot air being generated in Parliament House..

not politics in particular

just asking if there will be snow in 50 years without a discussion on the reasons for & against climate change
comes down to cause and effect

will temps rise, will snow melt, what caused temps to rise, do humans effect climate change/global warming, will carbon tax solve problem etc

all question interlinked into “Will there be snow in 50 years in Aus”

Caboose - 13 October 2011 05:57 AM
Mudhoney - 13 October 2011 04:45 AM
Caboose - 13 October 2011 04:13 AM
Mudhoney - 13 October 2011 02:35 AM
spaz - 13 October 2011 02:05 AM

I just want to remind everybody that this thread is meant to be about snow cover in Australia not “the politics behind a tax” or “who/what caused global warming”

well said, sir.


but what came first the chicken or the egg??

are you saying you can’t have climate change without politics?  I guess there is a lot of hot air being generated in Parliament House..

not politics in particular

just asking if there will be snow in 50 years without a discussion on the reasons for & against climate change
comes down to cause and effect

will temps rise, will snow melt, what caused temps to rise, do humans effect climate change/global warming, will carbon tax solve problem etc

all question interlinked into “Will there be snow in 50 years in Aus”

yes, that is the question I intended to ask.  As has been mentioned already, it seems to be impossible to tell at this stage.


From a purely selfish perspective do many of you expect to be snowboarding in 50 years?  Will be pushing the envelope for me I reckon at 82 ha ha!


i was taking a tbar with elderly at perisher
he was 74 and rocking strong

his season pass was 130 bucks
it made me downer that his season pass = my day pass ~almost


The last 40 years snow depth at Spencer’s Creek!!!!!

I’m pretty positive that the next 40 years will be pretty similar, and most likely the 40 years beyond that also!!!!!

Erratic and unpredictable, but none the less there will be snow!!!!!

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:24 AM

From a purely selfish perspective do many of you expect to be snowboarding in 50 years?  Will be pushing the envelope for me I reckon at 82 ha ha!

never know what medical break through’s are around the corner wink

except we are wasting money on a NBN or carbon tax or pink bats or solar panels   shut eye

Mudhoney - 13 October 2011 06:19 AM
Caboose - 13 October 2011 05:57 AM

all question interlinked into “Will there be snow in 50 years in Aus”

yes, that is the question I intended to ask.  As has been mentioned already, it seems to be impossible to tell at this stage.

pretty much

Mizu Kuma - 13 October 2011 06:30 AM

The last 40 years snow depth at Spencer’s Creek!!!!!

I’m pretty positive that the next 40 years will be pretty similar, and most likely the 40 years beyond that also!!!!!

Erratic and unpredictable, but none the less there will be snow!!!!!

wow that pic looks familiar ..... raspberry


And you’ll be sayin that in 40 years time as well!!!!!


Maybe we could spend all the money raised by the carbon tax and throw it into time travel research, that way we can go back and give ourselves solar and wind power in the early 1900’s so that there would be no carbon tax now.  Would probably have the same chance of success.  If it is successful I can go back to mid August 1981 and rule the snowboard world at Perisher ha ha ha ha!

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:24 AM

From a purely selfish perspective do many of you expect to be snowboarding in 50 years?  Will be pushing the envelope for me I reckon at 82 ha ha!

I am the same age as you and i will be skiing on that day i am entitled to a free lift pass even if it kills me!!! (literally!)

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:53 AM

Maybe we could spend all the money raised by the carbon tax and throw it into time travel research. . .

Haha, funny! I read that bit first, and thought to myself, “It’d probably have the same chance of success” - then I read your next comment. . .

nthnbeachesguy - 13 October 2011 06:53 AM

Would probably have the same chance of success.

Great minds.  cool smile