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Boardworld Skater Progress Thread


Hey All
This worked really well in the snowboard section so here it is

Record all your hard earned tricks here when u first stomp them shaka
Post the next trick that you want to try
And push each other to keep the progress rolling.



Stickied. Nice one, Andy!  cool smirk


I got my first proper Axle Stall today   cheese

I went skating today and found an old park that has some new features that are really good to learn on.
Rock to Fakie is next on my list

Skating everyday is definitely the way to go. I need repetition get my confidence up, just like snowboarding.


general rolling, ollies, then kick flips


shaka nice one Andy! I will get out on the weekend back on that mini ramp I rode last weekend.
To Do/Try List
Axel Stalls - and try a couple of small 50-50s
5-0 Stall

If Im feeling good with those I will try my rock to fakies again, and maybe a tail stall.
Will let ya know how I go. May try to film a run or two


Congrats bro!
Might give an axel stall a go. smile

Caboose - 12 October 2011 06:22 AM

general rolling, ollies, then kick flips

Good plan Caboose. My ollies still suck lol, I need to stop being lazy and practice them more.


hey Andy, whats the park like where you rode today? Take some photos next time and post here smile

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 12 October 2011 06:24 AM

shaka nice one Andy! I will get out on the weekend back on that mini ramp I rode last weekend.
To Do/Try List
Axel Stalls - and try a couple of small 50-50s
5-0 Stall

If Im feeling good with those I will try my rock to fakies again, and maybe a tail stall.
Will let ya know how I go. May try to film a run or two

Cool man, I’ve never been able to do rock to fakies but I’m working on them.
I found a mini… mini ramp at an outdoor park which is sweet. I pulled off a rock to fakie on it today but it doesn’t really count cause it has a metal edge instead of a coping so it was more of a roll to fakie lol.

Next on my list is Rock to Fakie and tail stall so I can link it together.
And I’m starting to learn how to turn the other way on a quarter cause right now I’m not an ambi turner teacherboy


I’m no an ambi turner ??


It’s from Zoolander, bad joke, someone will get it.

I mean I can only turn backside on quarter pipes… which is kinda lame


oooohhh, Yeh I get the reference now haha.

Yeh Im a lot more confident on backside turns. Will work on frontsides too on the w.e


I’m finding heelflips more easier than kickflips. That normal? :o


Not sure I can’t do heel flips and land 1 out of 100 kick flips.
But I do know people that find heel flips easier.

BKM - 12 October 2011 06:57 AM

I’m finding heelflips more easier than kickflips. That normal? :o

that was the same for me when i was younger (20years ago :( )

felt more natural to flick the board with my heel than toes


been doing some ollies in the back of the shop on carpet

getting the rhythm back is hard

my problem is going to be the lack of time i can spend on a board

been watching the BW clips on ollies and kickflips etc - very helpful guys!!