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Global Warming and Snow Cover in Australia



There is not enough data to conclusively predict what will happen in 40years.
Even using 10,000years of ice records isn’t enough to give us an accurate warming/cooling cycle of a planet that is a few billion years old. Does anyone remember what the weather was like when homo sapiens first appeared 2,000,000 years ago.

It won’t take much to reverse the trend of global warming.
One decent volcano will put us into a year without summer and return the ice caps and glaciers.
As for CO2; one average volcano emits more toxic gases (including CO2) in a week than humans do in a year.


i’m not for a carbon (or CO2) tax

i reckon there are other ways to minimise pollution

my only concern is that the snow doesn’t seem to be increasing

nthnbeachesguy - 11 October 2011 10:23 PM
cords - 11 October 2011 10:15 PM

I’m with nthnbeachesguy, MOST of us here can have a discussion without it turning into a full blown argument and things getting personal.

I think Crackers’ cartoon that he put up has the best take on this whole thing that I’ve read so far and would be interested to hear a “calm” chucky’s take on it..or anyone else that agrees with his general line of thought.

Also, if anyone is getting a beer, I’d LOVE a rekorderlig apple cider - thanks!

Damn if your going to order a girls drink you can do it yourself!

But I would love a light beer chandy in a middy glass with a lemon twist if anyone is going to the bar….................................

Actually no, I would prefer a CC and dry in a pint glass thanks.

well considering I am a girl is there really a problem with that? (and even if I wasn’t). If its really that big of a problem for you, I’ll have a VB instead.

cords - 11 October 2011 10:15 PM

I’m with nthnbeachesguy, MOST of us here can have a discussion without it turning into a full blown argument and things getting personal. . .

I think Crackers’ cartoon that he put up has the best take on this whole thing that I’ve read so far and would be interested to hear a “calm” chucky’s take on it..or anyone else that agrees with his general line of thought.

Wow, just wow.

hypocrisy |hi?päkris?|
noun ( pl. -sies)
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform

nthnbeachesguy - 11 October 2011 08:18 PM

. . . I think that debate is a great thing as long as everyone plays the issue and not the man (woman as the case may be). . .

I agree, with a caveat.

If people are going to engage in a debate on any subject, it’s highly disrespectful to their ‘opponent’ to disregard their actual argument (intentional or not), instead arguing against a perceived standpoint which better suits their agenda. That kind of disrespect is the epitome of ‘getting personal’.


In any case, the whole climate debate is nowhere near as important as the REAL debate that SHOULD be going on. While we’re all engaged in the diversionary tactic of discussing climate, the MAJOR issue slips through. Sure, scientists are on the payrolls of both government and big business, but no amount of money seems to be enough to produce irrefutable scientific ‘research’ which PROVES that Australia’s carbon tax (and future ETS) will have ANY positive effect at all, from a cost vs. benefit standpoint.

As I said before - I think it’d be naive not to accept that humans have an impact on the planet - but what happens when someone actually comes up with a genuinely workable solution, but we’ve got no money left to pay for it because we’ve squandered it elsewhere on tilting at windmills?


I think you’re reading more into what I wrote than is necessary, which is a shame. I did say a “calm” take on it and I meant it, because you would have to admit that some of your replies have not been written or come across as being written by someone who is calm, or intent on not making things personal. I could go and copy and paste a whole bunch of stuff that I felt was heading towards personal against me but I don’t care that much and can’t be bothered to be honest.

If you have taken any of my comments (any of them!) in any sense as being personal attacks against you then I sincerely apologise. I have not in any way intended to attack you, just to have a calm discussion on our varying opinions. I don’t even know you so to make personal attacks would be stupid. I can honestly say I haven’t been angry at any point in anything I’ve written in any of these discussions, so if it has come across that way then it must be my crappy writing skills. Sorry to Rider and Azz and the other moderators if they feel that way, too.


I don’t feel that I’ve made any personal attacks either. I am highly critical of specific comments, and respond to them accordingly - especially when they ignore what’s actually been written - that’s just rude. Frustrated, yes, but still ‘calm’. The opposite implies a lack of rationality, and that simply ain’t the case. In this instance, it’d be like me stating that I “would be interested to hear a ‘rational’ cords’ take on it”, and not expecting anyone to ‘take it the wrong way’. It’s all about individual perception.


All good, guys. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. As you both have agreed, there’s no need to get personal. Just want to keep it friendly bla bla bla. Carry on. smile

CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 09:42 AM

Ridiculous. This completely ignores the issue of expense. These ‘results’ don’t just magically appear, they all come at a cost.


As individuals, I think we should all be doing what we can to ‘save the planet’, irrespective of any ‘climate change’ issues.

That means taking personal responsibility, and not expecting others to do our dirty work for us.



CRACKERS - 11 October 2011 09:42 AM

. . . Its a bit rich to expect them to roll back their standard of living while we decide which plasma tv to watch the cricket on.



chucky can get ‘worked up’ on issues.
It’s his nature to argue strongly on a point but in no way does he wish to attack an individual for their point of view.

It’s a strong stance he takes, we <strike>argued</strike> debated on a few topics with completely differing opinions (we shared my unit in Thredbo this year), I too became very worked up (and at times offended at some of his points) but never did he or I hold a personal grudge against one another, even if we had to leave a debate unresolved and the air thick with tension, once a debate was over it wouldn’t take long before things were back to normal.

I admire chucky for being open about his beliefs and anyone for having the balls to speak their opinion - even if it does rock the boat I don’t think he intends to push anyone overboard.

chucky - 12 October 2011 01:16 AM

As individuals, I think we should all be doing what we can to ‘save the planet’, irrespective of any ‘climate change’ issues.

That means taking personal responsibility, and not expecting others to do our dirty work for us.

we may disagree on alot of things but this is one thing i am 100,000,000% with you on.


As far as my previous post goes and your reply to it, I find it hard to believe that you won’t even go so far as to admit that some of what you have written might have been taken as a personal attack - that nearly makes me be bothered doing all the copying and pasting but I don’t think it would be worth it.

As far as your response to the cartoon of course it comes at a cost. I can only say that in my opinion, I think that all the things listed on the board are well worth whatever the cost might be. How can it not be?