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The Art of Flight Canberra


After a quick bite in town Alison and I headed up to Dendy cinema for the Australian premier of the Art of Flight (i had watched some of it with Dan on his laptop at the Shred) but this was different, this was special, Travis Rice was going to be there.

After we got upstairs some familiar BoardWorld faces could be seen through the crowd. Meeting up with Snowdragon and Blizzard, we were here to represent! The crowd was building as so too was the atmosphere, you could sense it in the air. The excitement, the nerves, the smell of popcorn mixed with free Coronas from the bar. It was almost 7pm. But the signing was supposed to start at 6.30pm. Was Travis still coming? Would we miss out? The Crowd started to move toward a large Art of Flight promo poster. This was it! We picked our place in the line and started the slow shuffle forward. At lease this would give us time to thinking about what to say. Oh shit! What was i going to say. After some time a had a rough idea of what i wanted to say. Mostly i just wanted to stay cool and not act like a idiot.

This was it, I was next. I walked up to Travis with a big dumb grin on my face and the BoardWorld shirt in my hand. We Shook hands, said G’day and as i lay the shirt out on the table i explained what BoardWorld was and invited him to the next Shred in Perisher 2012 and handed over Jeremy’s business card. Smooth! I got the shirt signed and a few pics. After a well timed knuckle bump he said bye and i moved away. I tried to recall what just happened but my memory had been replaced by adrenalin and excitement and the fact i just met Travis Rice!

Not long after they ushered us into the cinema for the movie. Travis and two other lads (Quicksilver promoters by the looks of them) announced the movie. The crowd went wild and about two hours later I (like everyone else) felt inspired, motivated and wanted to go boarding…

A huge thank you goes out to Boardworld and the associated sponsors for this amazing experience!


that is the best thing ever u got im 2 write FUCK YEAH!!!! josh u r the best hahahaha


How nice was he hey!!! Wish I could have hung around longer!!!


that is sick. you lucky bastards!
how was the movie? better than thats it thats all?


OMFG! rage I live in Canberra and I missed that. DOH.

Still, glad to see you guys had a good night. Sorry I missed catching up with you guys.



Awesome report Josh !!!!

You guys are so lucky to have met a legend shaka


I’m always a little concerned about meeting the sports stars I look up to, sometimes it’s better to just have the illusion they are really good blokes as well as awesome boarders cause it’s not always true.  Sounds like in this case he was a good bloke as well which is awesome and the movie speaks for itself I think, it gets better every time I watch it and probably been about 7 times thus far.


nthnbeachesguy he was such a nice guy! I asked if I could get a photo and he was so polite, said yes and asked my name. He said to enjoy the movie too. Just that little bit of time goes a long way with supporters! He reminded me of Craig Lowndes and how good he is with his fans.


that is cool, good to see boardworld name been shown around smile


That is super sick! Super jealous, parkway josh and all you other lucky bastards! I think I would have been equally frothing if Landvik was there.
Can’t wait to see the movie on the big screen thursday night! yeow!


Yeah exactly right Blizzard. He was super down to earth and was just a good bloke.
Had a good sense of humour too, kept on saying “Gday” and “No worries”


My girlfriend was trying to sort out tickets for us to the Sydney premiere through her Red Bull contact as she was originally told the whole cast was going to be there, then it was just Travis and even that was iffy she pulled the pin, I think mostly cause Landvik wasn’t going to be there and she seems to think he’s a bit of alright ha ha!




hahaha yes landvik definitely is alright grin


Great report, Josh. I’m stoked you guys got the opportunity to meet Travis. We had an awesome time last night too. Incredible movie and really exciting to meet Travis. Haha I can’t believe you gave him my business card - very well done! LOL

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.  grin

rider26 - 11 October 2011 11:23 PM

Great report, Josh. I’m stoked you guys got the opportunity to meet Travis. We had an awesome time last night too. Incredible movie and really exciting to meet Travis. Haha I can’t believe you gave him my business card - very well done! LOL

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.  grin

Yeah i though you would like that. I had to put it out there, I asked him to call you but was a bit sceptic about if he would.
Did he notice more BoardWorld crew around in sydney?