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The Regime


another 2km swim on Sat - fresh water pool about 45mins

40km ride Sunday morning

15km ride this morning

hopefully a swim this arvo


Doin well mate! keep up the good work


Cheers K2


1.7km swim Monday
another 2km swim last night
rode to work again today


nice work caboose keep it up and you’ll reap the rewards grin


cheers Finney

feeling better already and a few kgs lighter

the cycling is getting easier, the swimming is getting harder (i think more to do with recovery)


Rest weekend

body is a bit tired, muscles a bit stiff

Rode to work again today - muscles feel stronger i think

my weight last night was 85.4 down from 90kg

will check again tonight


rain & busy work has mucked up riding to work this week

swam 5km this week

Month Totals

Riding: 343km
Swimming : 20.3km
Weight Lost: 5kg

dance  rocker  shaka


good work caboose!

I’ve gotten a bit sick of being unfit and a bit porky so am trying to use moving to an entirely new location as a chance to form some good new habits!

We live right on Tuggerah Lake and there is a nice, flat bike track. Last week starting on wednesday I went for 2 runs. I’m not really sure of the distance or how to calculate it but I ran to a park and back which took me 11 and a half minutes and left me dizzy! The next day I ran the opposite way and I was already sore and tired from the day before but did it anyway and ran for 12.5mins. I don’t think the distance was as far and I was definitely slower than the day before from tiredness, but I figure its only 12mins of running so I should be able to do that nearly every day. I weighed myself the first day and written down my times for my first two runs. I went away to melbourne for the weekend but am going to run again today.

Eventually I’d like to run further but for now I’m going to try and run this until I feel comfortable doing it, before extending the distance. I don’t have a bike at the moment but when I do, I’ll ride alternate days to try and stave off boredom a bit.

Also, a gym not far from me just put an ad out for 75 memberships available for $6.95pw and you can go to as many classes as you want. I normally hate gyms but think this might be ok for me, since I don’t really know anyone around here yet to play in a team with yet. I’m gonna go this arvo to check it out and maybe join.

anyway, thanks for the inspiration, caboose…I’ve been thinking about trying to do something like it for a while but was far too lazy in my old habits and environment!


So glad I was fit when younger and don’t need to do much these days to stay in shape.

I’ll surf more this summer (more than the few times I did last year), but don’t ride, hate the gym and only run as prep for winter.
Activity is a major part of my life, most work I do must involve burning calories otherwise I go mental.

Trying to keep up with the younger kids keeps me in form.
Plus the new gf has warned me I better not get fat (stopped smoking and I’m eating heaps).
Working around the house is another activity that keeps me from having to pay for gym membership.

Keep up the good works cabs - give us an update this week.


last 2 weeks work, rain and infected eye have stopped training

back in pool this arvo!!!

will be riding to work again next week!!!

cords - 10 October 2011 12:47 AM

good work caboose!

I’ve gotten a bit sick of being unfit and a bit porky so am trying to use moving to an entirely new location as a chance to form some good new habits!

We live right on Tuggerah Lake and there is a nice, flat bike track. Last week starting on wednesday I went for 2 runs. I’m not really sure of the distance or how to calculate it but I ran to a park and back which took me 11 and a half minutes and left me dizzy! The next day I ran the opposite way and I was already sore and tired from the day before but did it anyway and ran for 12.5mins. I don’t think the distance was as far and I was definitely slower than the day before from tiredness, but I figure its only 12mins of running so I should be able to do that nearly every day. I weighed myself the first day and written down my times for my first two runs. I went away to melbourne for the weekend but am going to run again today.

Eventually I’d like to run further but for now I’m going to try and run this until I feel comfortable doing it, before extending the distance. I don’t have a bike at the moment but when I do, I’ll ride alternate days to try and stave off boredom a bit.

Also, a gym not far from me just put an ad out for 75 memberships available for $6.95pw and you can go to as many classes as you want. I normally hate gyms but think this might be ok for me, since I don’t really know anyone around here yet to play in a team with yet. I’m gonna go this arvo to check it out and maybe join.

anyway, thanks for the inspiration, caboose…I’ve been thinking about trying to do something like it for a while but was far too lazy in my old habits and environment!

if you have an iphone or smart phone get Runkeeper app
gps tracking of fitness

otherwise have a look at the street directory and/or map or google maps or something to get an idea

Edit: i think u can plot runs into runkeeper manually


haha amusing to suggest using a smartphone considering the conversation I’ve been having elsewhere on this forum, regarding such devices!

I think its about 2km round loop but not sure and when it comes down to it, it doesn’t really matter.

Ran yesterday and felt stronger but am a bit crook today so thought it best to leave it. Will be on it again tomorrow though I suspect.


2.1km swim last night still around 45mins

after 1.5 week lay off

not bad

cords - 11 October 2011 03:37 AM

haha amusing to suggest using a smartphone considering the conversation I’ve been having elsewhere on this forum, regarding such devices!

I think its about 2km round loop but not sure and when it comes down to it, it doesn’t really matter.

Ran yesterday and felt stronger but am a bit crook today so thought it best to leave it. Will be on it again tomorrow though I suspect.

soon you will be running 10km fun runs wink