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Steve Jobs Passes Away - RIP :(


Yes. Too soon.


TJ was that list a joke? Every single one of those descriptions went something like this “it was a good idea, but it turned out to be crap/too expensive/no one wanted them.

I’m with crackers. None of us knew him personally and as a person you looked up to, it makes sense to be sad but as far as actually mourning goes, that is a wee bit strange. I felt the same about MJ, Steve Irwin and every other star who has died and caused hysteria. At least steve Irwin was actually out there saving the planet.


Yes, that list was a list of products that failed…


TJ’s list of ‘failures’, which I presume was meant as a joke, inadvertently pays tribute to Steve Jobs by showing what a minor percentage of ‘failures’ he had compared to the long list of MASSIVELY succesful products. Even then, it’s a stretch to call some of those products ‘failures’, as many are still far superior to products other companies would call ‘successes’.


Frankly, I think it’s incredibly myopic to think you have to “know someone personally” to mourn their passing. There’s plenty of people, including immediate family members, who I wouldn’t give a crap if they died tomorrow - whereas Steve Jobs, who I’ve only had minimal personal interaction with, has had a hugely positive impact on my life, and therefore will be sorely missed.


Without Steve Jobs, I’d never have got to hang out with the hot chick from, “Hall Pass”.


this is what stops me from being able to mourn someone like Steve Jobs. Yes, there are many other companies out there guilty of the same thing, but imagine how much greater Mr Jobs’ legacy would be, had he chosen to make sure ALL employees of Apple were treated ethically. I encourage you to watch the youtube video at the very bottom of the page.

This is a quote from one of the articles that is linked to, from that story, about one of the employees who threw herself off a building. “The 22-year-old’s monthly salary, including overtime, was only 2000 yuan ($300)—about the same as the US price of a 32GB iPhone”

Technology is fun and changes the world, but its not that important…definitely not more important than people’s lives. As far as mourning for strangers goes - I mourn for that girl and the other employees that have committed suicide and their lack of opportunity in life just for being unlucky enough to be born where they were. I do not and will not mourn the death of people who have the power to change the status quo in ways that matter and don’t. I’m sure he was a lovely guy and his family and friends will miss him terribly as that is a terrible reality for them that he is gone…but in my reality, he was non-existent and I think if other people really thought about it apart from “I really love my…insert apple product here…” then they would probably come to the same conclusion.


What a load of sensationalist, headline-grabbing, bleeding-heart bullshit! Typically, that story was written by Asher Moses, who is to Apple what Fred Nile is to homosexuals.

NEWS FLASH - the computer you posted that drivel from, and the computers the rest of you are reading this on, are virtually ALL made in similar conditions! People always ignorantly bleat on about Apple products being too expensive - so what does Apple do about it? Yep, they gradually start to source their components from the SAME cheaper places that Windows PC makers have been using for YEARS.

WAKE UP and smell the bias!!!

cords - 10 October 2011 04:02 AM

. . .but in my reality, he was non-existent . . .

The fact that you were able to post this message in the manner in which you did, means that Steve Jobs was/is VERY ‘existent’ in your ‘reality’, and that of every one of us - unless you’re Amish, or live in a cave.


As I said, there are many other companies out there guilty of the same thing. I’m just saying for me personally, he did squat that has affected my life in any remotely meaningful way…and that is my reasons why.


Denial isn’t just a river in Africa.

Seriously, WHERE the hell do you think the technology came from that made it possible for you to interact with others in such a manner on the internet????????

So Boardworld has NO ‘remotely meaningful’ presence in your life?


I have to agree… I work in IT and wouldn’t mourn Bill Gates and I’m not mourning Steve Jobs. I love snowboarding and wouldn’t feel too heartbroken if Shaun White or Travis Rice kicked it.

The thing is, while you feel sorry for the person, I haven’t known them in real life. They may have been an visionary, world changing person but personally I’d feel much worse if a friend died or a family member passed away.


And yet without Steve Jobs, you’d probably be working in an entirely different industry.


yeah and he’d still have an equally meaningful existence.


and to be perfectly honest, if boardworld, facebook or anything else on the internet disappeared for good tomorrow, life would still go on…same as it did prior to the internet. People would make phone calls, write letters and carry on just as before and still live meaningful lives filled with rich experiences.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the internets and technology but I could also live happily without it if it came to it.

If you can’t imagine life without your steve jobs inspired gadgets & electronic interactions then I feel a wee bit sorry for you, really.