Skate Clip by Johnny Wilson


All aboard the Nik Stain train

Nik Stain only had a few clips in the Supreme video, but it turns out he was sitting on a whole lot more. And damn, it's good footage. Such good footage, in fact, that Johnny Wilson has come out of hibernation for the sole purpose of releasing it to the masses. He also threw in a bunch of footage from the old regulars, and it's feeling a lot like 2016 in here. Don't leave us again, Johnny. 

Featuring: Nik Stain, Genesis Evans, Stu Kirst, Hugo Boserup, Andrew Wilson, Max Palmer, Cyrus Bennett, Alex Olson, Cruz Mendez, Nolan Benfield, Rowan Zorilla, Bag, John Franco, Caleb Barnett, Javaris Williams, and Vincent Touzery. 

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