Made Chapter 2 B-Sides: Jerry Hsu


12 minutes with one of the greatest

Put simply, there's no skateboarder like Jerry Hsu. Put slightly less simply, there's no skateboarder with a such a complex yet simple bag of tricks; the kind that seem so obvious once he's unlocked them; the kind that make you go "holy shit, I can't believe I've never seen that". He doesn't rely on ridiculous flippity business in and out of his tricks to keep you mindfucked and entertained, and that's a testament to one of the best styles in skateboarding history.

And there's no doubt about it, Jerry works extremely hard to deliver these groundbreaking parts time after time. This is a guy who was so badly injured leading up to Stay Gold that he physically couldn't skate in his normal stance. He actually apologised that the entire part was filmed switch, as if people would somehow be annoyed to witness one of the most astounding feats ever performed on four wheels, while most others would have spent the time being rehabilitated. We could talk about Jerry forever, but these 12-minute b-sides from Emerica MADE: Chapter 2  are worth more words than we could ever write. Thanks for another one, Jerry.  

The full Emerica MADE: Chapter 2 DVD is available in Boardworld Store for under $10, with free shipping Australia-wide. 

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